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These are our guides, newspapers and magazines

Ibiza La Guía

DIGITAL GRAFIC IBIZA has been publishing Ibiza La Guía since 1996 in three languages (Spanish, English and German) and serves as a leading reference on construction, home services, shops, restaurants, boats, nautical supplies, health, gourmet, real es- tate, leisure and much more...

Ibiza la Guía

Formentera La Guía

Formentera La Guía was first published in 2006 as an independent guide from La Guía de Ibiza. From that point on the growth of participation, readership and distribution has made this the most comprehensive guide available on Formentera...

Formentera la Guía

Isla Blanca

Isla Blanca Ibiza Guide is Ibiza’s most stylish guide. It’s aimed at tourists and island residents alike. The guide is distributed in the island’s best hotels and agrotourisms. Also, many featured high-level clients from all over the island representing: Fashion, Jewelry, Boats & Charters, Real Estate, Decoration, Restaurants, Beach Clubs, Gourmet & Delicatessen, Art & Design, Service Agencies, Sports & Leisure, Beauty & Wellness...

Isla Blanca Ibiza Guide


IBICASA is not only Ibiza’s most comprehensive magazine covering Real Estate and Decoration, but it is also filled with a wide variety of fascinating articles. Hundreds of Ibiza properties are showcased, along with all types of home services. Our feature articles bring light to current situations and events, plus there are interviews with noteworthy island residents...


Ibiza Optimista

In 2011 we created IBIZA OPTIMISTA as a newspaper which specialized in printing Good News. It was the only newspaper on Ibiza published in both Spanish and English, and perhaps the only Good News newspaper in all of Spain...

Ibiza Formentera App

Combining over 700 businesses supplied from Ibiza La Guía + Formentera La Guía + Isla Blanca Ibiza Guide + IbiCASA magazine + Ibiza Optimista newspaper, our App is helpful for both tourists and residents alike.

Ibiza Formentera App